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English dictionary

4,30 €

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The New Choice English Dictionary is often chosen by schools for its students. The dictionary is clearly and concisely presented, has a clear, easy-to-read typeface, and is ideal for use in the school, home and office. With 384 pages, the book has a useful list of commonly misspelled words at the back, and a list of weights and measurements. This dictionary has been in print since 1999 and has been revised several times in this period. The dictionary is very good value as well as good quality.

Rok vydania 1999
Vydavateľstvo Peter Haddock Publishing
Jazyk anglický
Väzba mäkká
Počet strán 384
Prebal nie
Stav zvlnený okraj prvých listov knihy
Umiestnenie 43/2

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